Fool In The Rain by Led Zeppelin Piano Sheet Music
100% accurate note-for-note transcription of the piano part played on Led Zeppelin’s song Fool in The Rain from the 1979 album In Through The Out Door.
Fool In The Rain by Led Zeppelin Piano Sheet Music
A 100% accurate note-for-note transcription of the piano part played on Led Zeppelin’s song Fool In The Rain from the 1979 album In Through The Out Door.
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What is a Transcription from The Van Tuyl Music Foundation?
About Fool In the Rain (from Wikipedia)
“Fool in the Rain” is the third song on Led Zeppelin’s 1979 album In Through the Out Door. It was the last single released in the US before they formally disbanded in 1980. The song reached number 21 on the Billboard Hot 100 on 16 February 1980.
Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones and vocalist Robert Plant were inspired by samba beats that played during the 1978 FIFA World Cup tournament in Argentina. Biographer Dave Lewis commented:
Thus the idea emerged to layer on their own samba halfway through the hop-skip riff arrangement. Crazed as it sounds, it works beautifully right through JP’s [Jones] street whistles to Bonzo’s [drummer Bonham] delightfully constructed timpani crashes.
The Van Tuyl Music Foundation was founded to forever change music education through funding and instituting first class, modernized music programs in schools and organizations that serve a diverse range of ages, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds.

About The Van Tuyl Music Foundation
Hi, my name is Ryan Van Tuyl, and since 2004 I’ve helped thousands of kids learn piano, singing, guitar, bass, drums, and songwriting in schools all over the world. The programs I’ve created teach kids how to achieve their musical dreams and become better, hardworking individuals through learning to play and perform rock, pop, hip-hop, blues, metal, and jazz music. Graduates of my programs have attended prestigious music colleges and universities. However, these programs have only been able to exist in middle-to-upper-class communities, where parents can afford to fund music education for their children directly.
While all of this has been a fantastic experience, it has left out kids who attend schools in underprivileged, more diverse communities without funding for modern music education. Schools and districts in these areas lack funding for the equipment, teachers, curriculum, and support necessary to facilitate rock-band-style programs like the ones I’ve created.
My mission was to tackle this head-on and bring these exceptional programs to students in economically challenged areas, so I sold my music schools and am launching The Van Tuyl Music Foundation to forever change music education. Our foundation will directly provide the funding for the equipment, instruction, curriculum, and support necessary to facilitate these programs.

Ryan Van Tuyl

Ryan Van Tuyl
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